PM Role Definition Worksheets - Define the PM Role in your Organization
​For any project manager to function effectively on any project, a clear definition of the role and specific accountabilities for the PM position within the respective organization must exist. Where these definitions are lacking, the PM must establish him/herself each time they work with a new project team. 

WHAT - The worksheet is used to establish common PM role components and then act as a vehicle to collect organization views of what the PM role should be defined to be. Advanced and Basic worksheet versions are available.

​WHY - Projects can only be successful if the PM and team members have known established roles. Re-inventing these definitions every time a project starts can lead to delays, confusion and project issues. An established role definition eliminates these unnecessary project challenges.

  • ( Detail Instructions Included on each Worksheet )
  • Worksheet is used to collect role views on generic PM role definitions
  • Participants meet to discuss and define the role
( No Fee, Tools are Available Without Cost )